EI release notes - 2.20

Release notes by EasyInput version.
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EI release notes - 2.20

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EI 2.20 B1006 2015-02-09
- further workaround for Excel 2007 message box issue for large data volumes
- better display of the execution status
- automatic selection od EasyInput ribbon menu on EI workbook open
- shortcut to welcome screen added to facilitate EI opening
EI 2.20 B1005 2015-01-27
- Excel 2007 ribbon menu empty message box workaround limited to saving ribbon (due to switching when events called)
EI 2.20 B1004 2015-01-26
- Excel 2007 ribbon menu empty message box workaround
- better script check for error in formulas
EI 2.20 B1002 2015-01-17
- added new data/ script pre-check buttons
EI 2.20 B1001 2015-01-16
- fix to the fix 219 B1016 with decimal separator handling
EI 2.20 B1000 2015-01-15
- added license management by files
- added on-line registration capability for trial
- added using internal (other than English) translations when message text not found in workbook
- CCo downgraded to version 1.3 due to user complaints (empty message boxes)

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