Pobranie UPO bez JPK Transfer/ UPO retrieval not with JPK Transfer
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:59 pm
[Polish] Zazwyczaj UPO pobierane jest za pomocą narzędzia JPK transfer (w najnowszej wersji jest wtedy zapisywane dodatkowo w tabelach SAP i może być odczytywane z SAP w każdym momencie). W przypadku problemów z odczytaniem UPO w JPK Transfer, można sprawdzić status UPO za pomocą prostej aplikacji PDF dostarczonej przez ministerstwo - patrz załącznik.
[English] One can download UPO with JPK transfer. Such an UPO in the newest version is than stored and secured in SAP tables and can be read in future from SAP. If there is however some system SAP system failure and the UPO retrieval from JPK transfer is not possible one can use alternatively simple PDF tool provided by the Ministry of Finance - see attachment
[English] One can download UPO with JPK transfer. Such an UPO in the newest version is than stored and secured in SAP tables and can be read in future from SAP. If there is however some system SAP system failure and the UPO retrieval from JPK transfer is not possible one can use alternatively simple PDF tool provided by the Ministry of Finance - see attachment